Communications Specialist - Implementation of Single Use Plastic Phaseout Plan - Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy




The Government of the Republic of Maldives through the Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy (MCCEE) is implementing “Maldives Clean Environment Project (MCEP)” financed through grant aid from the World Bank’s International Development Association (WIDA). MCEP has the primary objective of improving solid waste management in selected zones of the Maldives. MCEP also has a component under the project scope to support the implementation of government’s single-use plastic phase-out plan.  This plan is a government’s commitment to phase-out the import, production and sales of certain single-use plastics in Maldives. The first phase of the single-use plastic ban was implemented in June 2021, and until January 2024, 13 single use plastic products are banned under the Waste Management Act. The plan also focuses on reducing and discouraging the consumption of certain single use plastic products by introducing Market Based Policy Instruments and promoting sustainable alternatives through education and awareness approaches.

The single-use plastic phase-out plan comprises of 6 different policies, including the ban of selected single-use plastic products, implementing market-based instruments, strengthening data collection, introducing extended producer responsibility, sustainable provision of alternatives as well as conducting awareness and education activities.

With this regard, in order to develop and roll out the education and awareness of the implementation of the single-use plastic phase-out plan, the Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy is seeking a full-time ‘Communications Specialist’ to develop awareness materials and information dissemination on single-use plastic phase-out plan. 


The role of the Communications Specialist in the Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy would be crucial in raising awareness and promoting the single-use plastic phase-out plan in the Maldives. The specialist would be responsible for developing effective communication materials to educate and engage the public, as well as implementing strategic awareness campaigns. Additionally, the consultant will be working to execute the events and activities conducted by the Waste Management & Pollution control department.  Some of the key responsibilities of the Communications Specialist would be;

  • Material development: Creating informtative and visually appealing materials such as brochures, posters, infograhics, videos and presentation to effectively communicate the objectives, policies and benefits of the single-use plastic phase-out plan. These materials should be tailored to different target audiences and be available in both English and Dhivehi.
  • Online Presence: Developing and maintaining a strong online presence through the ministry's website and social media platforms. This can involve creating engaging content, sharing success stories, providing updates on the progress of the phase-out plan, and responding to inquiries and feedback from the public.
  • Campaign Planning and Execution: Collaborating with relevant stakeholders, including government departments, NGOs, businesses, and community organizations, to plan and implement awareness campaigns. This may involve organizing events, workshops, and seminars to educate the public about the environmental impacts of single-use plastics and promote sustainable alternatives.
  • Media Engagement: Building relationships with media outlets and journalists to ensure the coverage of the phase-out plan and related activities. This can include press releases, interviews, and features that highlight the efforts being made to reduce single-use plastics and protect the marine environment in the Maldives.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Tracking the impact and effectiveness of the awareness campaigns and communication materials through feedback, surveys, and data analysis. This information can be used to make improvements and adjust strategies as needed.







Prepare an inception report/work plan outlining the activities to be undertaken with reference to the TOR, including an implementation plan of the deliverables and timeline

Inception report/Workplan

Within a period of 15 days from the date of signing the contract


Develop a design system that includes templates and layouts (Social media posts, FAQs, PPT presentation layouts, motion graphics, stand banners and similar designs)

Design system and files delivered in approved format



Draft design templates to be submitted 20 days of the approval of inception report


Develop narration, story board, production and edit for TV/Video spots.


Information and key messages to be identified in the inception report.

Total 5 spots (20 – 30 seconds), each intended for broadcast distribution (2 general, 1 spot specifically for children/schools)

5 video spots to be produced within the 5 months


Develop a social media content strategy to create awareness


Information and key messages to be identified in the inception report

Social media content strategy with at least 12 posts every month for a duration of 5 months to be posted on all social media platforms

Within 30 days of approval of inception report


Develop a concept (including characters, plot, title, illustrations and theme) for developing a children’s story book related to single-use plastic phaseout plan.

Finalized concept including characters, plot, title, illustrations and theme in relevance to single use plastics as the general topic

Within 2 months of approval of inception report


Report to the department on the overall deliverables, work plan progress, success and impact of the activities

Finalized report in an approved format

Before the end of the agreement



To be eligible for this position, the candidate must meet the following criteria:

Prior work experience

  • Minimum 5 years of work experience in planning, design and implementing design campaigns, digital art work, production and social media activities
  • Demonstrated experience in communications, preferably in the fields of environmental sustainability, public awareness campaigns, or behavior change initiatives. Experience working in the government or nonprofit sector would be advantageous

Education and technical skills

  • Completion of an MQA Level 7 certificate in multimedia, graphics design or visual arts, or information sciences or content writing with design major; or those with exceptional video/photography, visual design, or equivalent. 
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills of both languages; Dhivehi & English. With the ability to effectively convey complex information in a clear and concise manner. Strong copywriting, editing and proofreading skills.
  • Proficiency in utilizing various digital communication channels, including social media platforms, websites, email marketing and online collaboration tools.
  • Proficiency in graphic design software such as Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign), as well as other relevant design tools. Strong typography, layout, color theory, and visual composition skills.


  • The communications specialist will report directly to the focal point assigned from the Waste Management & Pollution Control Department of Ministry of Environment, Climate Change & Technology. The hired consultant would be required to coordinate with the department during the work period.
  • The Communication Specialist should submit weekly progress reports with a detailed overview of the relevant tasks completed according to the approved work plan
  • The communications specialist should report to work on weekdays from 08:00-16:00 hours other than public holidays and provide services to the client
  • The Communications Specialist shall ensure that all the required materials for the project are prepared on time, in accordance with the requirements of Client



The duration of the assignment is 6 months from the commencement of the work with potential extension based on performance.



Amount in MVR

Monthly remuneration


Total remuneration (6 months)



The position will be selected based on the following criteria

Selection criteria

Weightage (%)

Education, trainings & skill qualifications pertinent to the assignment


Prior work experience in similar assignments and conditions


Interview – Evidence of good technical skills, and motivation for the assignment




Interested applicants may submit their CV/proposal by email in the below mentioned address, with the following:

  • Letter of the expression of interest (EOI)
  • Copy of National Identification Card
  • Attested copies of educational certificates (copies taken from accredited original certificates)
  • CV that demonstrates that the applicant is qualified to perform the services (including appropriate skills, work experience from similar assignments, and interpersonal skills and motivation for the job)
  • Three references of companies or organizations that applicant has completed work for in the past
  • Submit a portfolio that contains a sample of previous relevant design work as well as written description of the applicant’s role in its development.


Interested applicants may submit their proposal by email on or before the time provided in the advertisement to the following address:

Ministry of Climate Change, Environment Energy

Green Building, Handhuvaree Hingun, Maafannu


Contact Number:9997166

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