Customer Service Representative (Business Center Corporation Limited)

Application ends: 24 December 2024, 1500hrs
Position: Customer Service Representative
Division/ Section: Business Development Division, SME Hub
Type of Job: Permanent
Place of employment: SME Hub
Working hours: Shift duty
Salary: 10,000

Documents and deadlines to be submitted by applicants

Documents to be submitted:

  • Application Form (after completion)
    Applicant's CV
    Copy of educational certificate and transcript (accredited and attested)
    Copy of National ID Card
    School Leaving Certificate (if applicable)
    Police Certificate
    If you are or have been in employment, an official document from the place where you are or have been employed
    If you are required to serve in any government agency, you will be released from that agency for employment with the Business Center Corporation 
Interested candidates should send their application documents to by 15:00 on 24 December For more information, please contact the company at 3305555 
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